Alcohol Policy Timeline Database 2022 (WHO/Europe)
November 14, 2022
Drug and Alcohol Trends Monitoring System (DATMS) 2021: year 6 2022 (HRB)
November 14, 2022In April 2021, the Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science, Simon Harris, asked the Higher Education Authority (HEA) to conduct national surveys to track students’ and staff’s experiences of sexual violence and harassment.
Working with an expert advisory group, the HEA Centre of Excellence for Equality Diversity and Inclusion ran surveys of staff and students in April 2021. 7,901 students and 3,516 staff answered the surveys (11,417 responses in total). The department will use the results of these surveys to make policy and funding decisions to tackle sexual violence and harassment in higher education institutions (HEIs).
Read more https://www.drugsandalcohol.ie/35563/