Northern Ireland Registry of Self-Harm Three-Year Report 2012/13 to 2014/15 (Public Health Agency)
November 28, 2018
Hidden Harm Action Plan (PHA/HSCB)
November 28, 2018Compiled November 2017
This report presents, for the first time, a range of statistics on drink/drug driving, covering the areas of Preliminary Breath Tests and also referrals for prosecution. This information has been collated by the PSNI Statistics Branch in advance of the 2017 Christmas Drink Driving Campaign.
Related information is also available from other sources including the Department for Infrastructure (DfI), which publishes reoffending rates for those convicted of drink driving. This annual publication can be accessed below – https://www.infrastructure-ni.gov.uk/sites/default/files/publications/infrastructure/courses-for-drink-drive- offenders-working-group-annual-report-2016.PDF
There is no one measure of counting drink/drug driving offences as this is a complex process and there is no unique source of data. While this report provides a snapshot of this issue please note that there are various limitations associated with the data.
It is particularly worth noting that the information is presented on the basis that those who have a Preliminary Breath Test with a result of ‘Fail’ or ‘Failure to Provide’ are considered a proxy measure for driving when under the influence of drink/drugs. In addition the PBT is only the start of a process (see Section 1 for further detail) which may or may not result in a case being presented to the Public Prosecution Service for their consideration of the prospect of a successful case.
Drink and drug driving offences contained in this report include not only those people driving with excess alcohol, but also those attempting to drive or in charge of a vehicle whilst with excess alcohol. It also includes persons aiding and abetting, persons failing to provide and those driving/attempting/in charge whilst unfit. A person is deemed unfit if their ability to drive properly is, for the time being, impaired.